Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Caden Story

Caden is constantly saying things that just make you want to laugh out loud!! He's the most curious little boy asking a million questions about any little thing. For example, my parents have a raccoon in their attic that has eaten a whole through a soffet in their roof. We showed the hole to Caden last Sunday when we went over to their house for father's day. "How did it do that?" "Where is it now?" "What does it do at night?" and on and on for a good five minutes . . . This is how he is about EVERYTHING and it's pretty darn cute - most of the time :)

Caden has been pretty curious lately about his "part". "Why do only boys have a penis?" "Can I give mine to you (with a smile on his face) then you can be a boy too?" A couple of days ago he was sitting on a stool in my bathroom completely naked waiting his turn to get into the shower. He played with himself the whole entire time pulling the skin out, pushing it back in, etc. Total fascination - Well this morning he wakes up ( with his little erection) and says to me. "Look at my big penis mommy." "It growed" "Sometimes it does that." Instead of laughing out loud, I decided to write it down so that I can show it to him some day :)

1 comment:

Brody said...

Ummmmm . . . what to say . . . does Chris know about this entry?