Thursday, July 12, 2007

Down at the Ranch

We left for Ann's house on the 25th of June. The two year anniversary of losing Phil was the 29th. It's a hard week for Ann and I and I think that Phil would be smiling down on us that we decide to spend it together doing a lot of fun activities :)

For those of you that don't know- the Ranch is in Junction, Texas. It takes us about 5 hours to drive there. The kids have it clocked by about 3 and 1/2 movies. We got there on Monday in time for the kids to take the mule out and feed the deer. The mule is a 4 wheel drive golf cart type vehicle. Both kids learned how to drive it this trip. Grace could even do the pedals by herself which put her one step ahead in Caden's mind who could only do the steering wheel.

The kids also found the biggest grasshopper that I have ever seen. I'll attach a picture of it. Ann has all of the cool bug catching and watching tools that I try to stay away from. Grace was dying to go to the river to swim. She talked about it non stop until we got there. The weather overall during the week was cloudy and rainy so we decided to fit it in when we could. We went to the Library for the last week of the summer reading program that Ann is in charge of on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday we went to the river. We actually had a lot of fun. The water is really high from all of the rain and the kids were able to use the tubes for some little rapids. I have to find the disc that Ann took of those pictures and post them later.

Friday we went to the Torre di Pietra winery in Fredericksburg. Ann's friend Thomas Michael Riley was playing at the winery that day. It was a perfect day for us to hang out, drink some wine, and listen to some great music. We were the first people there and the only table that stayed the whole time. Some visitors to the winery came and went, I guess we were the only ones not working on a Friday at 2pm :)

It's always hard to leave the ranch. The kids have so much fun in the country looking at the REAL deer. This trip we also saw a bunch of turkey hens with about 30 of their babies. The kids are ready to go back!!

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