I don't get to do these type of blog entries very often . . .
Two funny things she's said this week:
1) We pulled out of the driveway last weekend and the house across the street from us was completely covered in toilet paper. Grace said, "I'm glad that wasn't our house." Chris told her that he felt pretty sure that someday in the future middle school years our house might get TP'd. To which Grace said, "Our house has already been teen-agered. Don't you remember the Christmas lights?" Ha! What a great verb "teen-agered" I would still like to catch whoever unscrewed all of those light bulbs and took them!
2) She told Caden today in full Hannah Montana fashion . . . "I wish that you had an on/off switch." HA - there are a lot of days that I wish he did too, but I explained to Grace that it was probably not the nicest way to get her message across to him. She replied, "Well he does talk too much AND he talks all the time." Can't argue with her there . . . so instead I focused on the delivery of her words. Teenage years are going to be so fun - can't wait!!
Cute picture, we'll be looking back at these days and wish he (and she) would talk to us!!! It is fun to watch them grow up with you.
I love you!
That is too funny! And I can't believe someone unscrewed your Christmas lights - that is awful!!
That is a great picture of the two of you! The Grace-ism was too funny...glad we could hear one!
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