Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Bit Overwhelmed. . .

So . . . this week I went up to my new school and started getting all of the "stuff" organized in my classroom. I have been trying to go up there several times before school starts to help get Caden acclimated to the school. I am hoping that it will make the dropoff easier on the 1st day of school. He has been a lot more excited about starting school so hopefully it is working! This weekend we got them each a new backpack. Neither one of them really needed one b/c they both got brand new ones about 6 months ago, but nevertheless if it makes him happy - so be it. He got a new Mickey Mouse one and Grace got the matching Minnie Mouse one. I'm not really big on characters, but it was really cute watching them negotiate in the Disney store. The fact that they match is pretty cute too. I can't believe that my baby is starting kindergarten. It just doesn't seem possible . . .

I am ready to go back to school. Scary. I didn't think those words would EVER come out of my mouth. I'm ready to start back with a routine, etc. I am not so ready for the full time teaching part. I'm pretty apprehensive about it all to be quite honest with you. I am hoping that it is a bit like riding a bike and the 5th graders don't end up chewing me up and spitting me out - ha!

Chris and I are leaving on Thursday for Vegas. It'll be nice to get away for a bit, but we come home on Sunday and inservice and meetings begin on MONDAY - EEK! Start sending a whole lot of prayers and good vibes my way - I have a feeling that I might need them :)


The Christenson's said...

I am right there with you!! My classroom is out of boxes but it all the stuff in the boxes is sitting on top of desks! Yikes!! We'll get through it. And, it will be just like riding a bike...it will all come back to you. You're going to be awesome!!

The Johnson's said...

Girl I totally understand. I have only taken a couple things up to my school, but haven't done much else! You'll do great and have fun in Vegas!

Holly K said...

You will be fine fulltime and with 5th grade. You know that. It will all come back to you like a rush of blood to the head.
Have a blast in Vegas..but sleep all day on the plane on Sunday girl! Damn that's gonna be a hard return Monday! ;)P
love you.

B.E.A.L. said...

You will do great and you know things always come together so have a blast in vegas!