Two years ago when we went down to the ranch to see Ann our ice maker broke and flooded the new wood floors that we had put down in the living room. The water also went through the kitchen wall and flooded Grace's bedroom. It was a MESS!!! We got home yesterday from the ranch (pattern here?!?) and started sorting our mail. I don't know if you get The Company Kids Catalog, but the cover has a frog on it. Upon closer inspection they have a whole FROG ROOM DECOR that I knew Caden would freak out about. I was hoping to save it for a Christmas surprise, but Caden found the catalog and that is all that I have heard about for the last 24 hours. Seriously, he's talked about it with me at least 25 times. Back to the flooding. . .Caden had decided that for his new frog room he needed to be in "Ann's Room". Who knows how these ideas get started, but he walked into "Ann's room" and came out with wet feet. He said, "Mom, there's water in Ann's room and I didn't do it". Smart kid. I went in there and discovered that the whole room was flooded and was smelling pretty foul. Had Caden not gone in there, there is no telling how long we would have gone without finding the leak. It isn't a room that is used very often.
So now, we have torn up all of the floor. The laminate that was on it has left a layer of glue which literally makes your feet stick to the floor. We're going to put in carpet and while we're at it put new carpet in the kids rooms too. Not exactly what I was planning on doing this week, but luckily Caden found it :)
Oh my gosh, that freakin' sucks (I know, my vocabulary is way beyond a two-year olds should be)!
Yikes! I am pretty sure your nose would have found it, even if Caden hadn't! So, what was the flood from this time? Great excuse to get new carpet, eh?
It's very ironic when these things happen after going to the same place. Have a great week!
what a bummer...look on the bright you get new carpet!
Okay, next time you go out of town, we are going to check on your house every day. I am so sorry.....
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