On Monday, he asked Memrie..."Why is your toilet paper softer than ours?"
On Tuesday, I took the kids with me to the PISD spelling bee competition at the administration building because one of the students that I teach was the 5th grade winner for Mathews. We sit down (Grace, Caden, myself, and another teacher on my team) and sometime during the competition Caden told my friend that the lady in front of us has "two sets of hair". Hmmm...actually she was a really butchy woman who had the chilibowl haircut. Shaved on the bottom which was brown, and the longer top was blonde.
At this point, I tell Caden that he needs to filter his words. Not everything he thinks is okay to say out loud.
To which he proceeds to say out loud at Grace's piano lesson after the spelling bee, "mom. Are boys supposed to wear Uggs?" I look over and the little boy coming in for his lesson after Grace is wearing Uggs. Really???
Then the topper of the day was during church today, Ash Wednesday. I have been having conversations with the kids for the last couple of weeks about what we are going to give up. Caden immediately speaks up with, "church." Yeah..not really the point, Caden. So he tries again,"CCD." Yeah, still not working for me. We are supposed to give something up that we like. "Well. I'm not giving things up like cheeseburgers and soda." I obviously need to keep working on it with him...
So, it was a crazy day today and I forgot about Grace's volleyball practice. It worked out because we went to the 4:30 prayer service instead for Ash Wednesday. During church, Caden complained the whole entire time about everything. His shoes, how he wanted to give up church for lent, etc. You can imagine that all I am thinking is that God is testing me. So as we leave after the ashes and before the last prayer because I've had enough...Caden says to me in the parking lot, "Whose ashes are these on my forehead?" Wow. Thanks for that one. So then we get to the car and I tell the kids that we are going to Lifetime so that I can do a spin class and Grace says, "We left early for you to go exercise? I think that church is more important than that." One of my Lenten goals is working on positive interactions with my words for my children. I was really silent this afternoon :)